Ground Transportation for [Country/Region]

Options for traveling within Germany for a 21-day period


  1. Car
  2. Train / Bus / Air
  3. Other Options
  4. Estimate of total ground travel expenses


Renting a car I found a website that added up all cost for each day and gave a grand total which helped because it didn't have hidden fees at the end.

Train / Bus / Air

My mass transit options are train from the aiport to my Final desitation within Germany and Bus was the Cheapest going back to the airport.

Other options

Other options for travel on ground is taxi but i couldn't find any exact price for my specific route needed to take because of the longer distance. I did find that it would roughly be 3.22 Euros per Kilometer starting in frankfurt. So with the 300 milometer drive taxi might not be the cheapest nor best option.

Estimate of total ground travel expenses

The total cost of traveling within Germany for a three week period is about 490.16 Euros.

Submitted by [Jaci Kuszak] on [3-13-20].